The Brain Says Yes but the Body Says Whoa

The brain means well but sometimes it can get us into trouble. Such is the case when the brain says we are capable of pushing the envelope physically but the body isn’t quite capable. We’ve treated many foot problems because of this scenario.

A long hike in the Spring or early Summer after a fairly sedentary season can easily lead to foot pain. Increasing walking or jogging distance greater than 50% of your norm can lead to foot pain. Our darn feet can get in the way of our ambitious health intentions.

There are a few things from a feet perspective to consider when deciding to push ourselves physically. The general rule to follow for increasing an activity such as jogging is no more than 10% per week. 10% doesn’t seem like much but it will keep us out of trouble.

The second thing to consider is the condition of your shoes or hiking boots. It’s such an obvious one but something many people have admitted to neglecting. Something else that should be obvious but often ignored is the condition your feet are in when considering doing more.

We’ve seen so many people worsen a particular foot condition by continuing a workout routine in spite of foot pain. Continuing a jogging routine or exercise class while experiencing Achilles Tendinitis or Plantar Fasciitis can make the condition worse. At the least, the chance of improving isn’t great while being this active.

It pains us to hold people back from activities they enjoy to stay healthy but we know it’s often needed to allow for healing. The more miles we have on our feet the more important it is to not allow our brain to force our body into something that could cause trouble. Slowly increasing the time or distance of an activity can prevent you from developing a foot problem.

The same applies to your entire lower extremity. If something starts to hurt, back off for at least a week to see if it passes. Overuse is a common reason for foot pain that is avoidable if we can control the impulse of allowing our brains to be in control.

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616 9th Street North
Virginia, MN 55792
- (218) 749-3818


328 W Conan St
Ely, MN 55731
- (218) 365-8793

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